Category Management Program - Level 4 (Master’s)
$199.00 $299.00
CatMan 2.0™ Introduction: What’s Changed?
The What Assessment: Category Insights Using Advanced Data Sources
$59.00 $79.00
The Why Assessment: Shopper Insight is the Missing Puzzle Piece
Developing Shopper-Focused Category Management Scorecards
Assortment: New Shopper-Focused Metrics and Advanced Technologies
Space Management: Space Optimization and Advanced Technologies
Pricing: New Analytics, Issues, Challenges and Opportunities
Promotion: New Analytics and Implications for Retailers and Manufacturers
Shopper Marketing: Applying a New Tactic Into Category Management
$59.00 $69.00
Building an Organizational Category Management Structure and Strategy From the Inside Out
Developing Shopper-Based Category Management Foundations: Category Definition, Roles, and Strategies
Deployment, Supply Chain, and ROI: Important Considerations For Long-Term Success